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Improve your writing Style - Subordinate conjunctions
Tasks 1 to 3 Tasks 4 to 8 Rating Form
Task 1 1. The sentences below (A-D) contain subordinate conjunctions. Identify the subordinate clause and main clause in each sentence.
  • Select any text to underline it.
Your Answer Answer
  1. A. Since I’ve reformed, note-taking and studying are not as tough as they once were.
  1. A. Since I’ve reformed, note-taking and studying are not as tough as they once were.
Your Answer Answer
  1. B. When I looked over my high school notes, I couldn’t understand them.
  1. B. When I looked over my high school notes, I couldn’t understand them.
Your Answer Answer
  1. C. I’ve since learned to write down connecting ideas, even if I have to take the time to do it after class.
  1. C. I’ve since learned to write down connecting ideas, even if I have to take the time to do it after class.
Your Answer Answer
  1. D. At university, I’ve learned to use a tidy writing style that makes my notes intelligible.
  1. D. At university, I’ve learned to use a tidy writing style that makes my notes intelligible.

2. Is the following a complete sentence?

Since I’ve reformed.
No. It’s a subordinate clause and cannot stand alone as a complete thought.
What is its purpose?
A subordinate clause provides background (or less important) information about the event(s) in the main clause.

Task 2 Fill in the following gaps.

Complex Sentences - A Summary

A complex sentence contains one main clause (independent clause) and one or more subordinate clauses (dependent clauses). A subordinate clause

  1. cannot stand alone as a complete thought.
  2. provides background information about the event(s) in the main clause.
  3. has a subject and predicate but it cannot express a complete thought because it is introduced by a subordinating conjunction .
  4. works as an adverb, adjective or noun.

Task 3
Which sentence has 1) an adverbial Clause
2) an adjectival Clause
3) a noun Clause
as a subordinate clause.

A. Winnie Wong, who won first prize in the competition, will study in Ireland next year.

B. Professor Lee announced that he would retire next year.

C. I always walk from the KCR to the university because I need the exercise.

Subordinating conjunctions connect two (or more) clauses of unequal rank and show a variety of logical relationships.

Task 4 Put the following words on left into the correct boxes on right. Two examples have been done for you.

Task 5

Combine the following sentences using effective subordination.

A. You learn to use complex sentences correctly. Your written work becomes much more varied.
After you learn to use compex sentences correctly, your written work becomes much more varied.
B. My friend graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University last summer. He got a well-paid job within one month.
Because my friend graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University last summer, she got a well-paid job within one month.

Task 6

What is the difference in meaning between the following 2 sentences?

A. The university team played well because Chris Lau was the captain.
Chris Lau was a god captain.
B. The university team played well even though Chris Lau was the captain.
Chris Lau was not a good captain.

Task 7

Which idea in both sentences is less important?

A. Although he worked quite hard, he failed the examination.
The less important idea appears in an adverbial clause modifying the verb ‘worked’.
B. Although he failed the examination, he worked quite hard.
The less important idea appears in an adverbial clause modifying the verb failed.

Task 8

What does the writer of the following sentences want to emphasize/focus on?

Your Answer Answer
  1. Tammy, who came top in the examination, missed a lot of classes because of illness.
  1. Tammy, who came top in the examination, missed a lot of classes because of illness.
Your Answer Answer
  1. Tammy, who missed a lot of classes because of illness, came top in the examination.
  1. Tammy, who missed a lot of classes because of illness, came top in the examination.
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